I haven't blogged in a while, but nothing has really got my attention like that.
Based on my inbox, I know y'all don't even care, just want me to post anything.
But then...
This happens.
Now normally when something happens with Chris Brown, there's normally assault, or parole violation or a baby involved. This time, he didn't do anything wrong, but this is funny.
Well... I guess he came home and found this lady had broken into his house and she was waiting for him at the door.
First there was a rumor that the IRS was coming after them for a tax bill.
Then there was a rumor that they wasn't paying the help.
Well first, we found out Terrell, the dude who plays her friend on the show
He quit the show, and he also quit being the person in charge of her looking like a Muppet. Now maybe she will find somebody that will help her look less like a Muppet and more like a woman.
Side note. Tamar crying about looking like a Muppet isn't wrong for her to do. Let her have her feelings. See the thing when you talk about somebody, you got to be able to take it and I understand, but you can't tell that lady how to feel. If calling somebody a Muppet hurts their feelings, then it's their feelings to be hurt. Have you ever hurt a bully's feelings? I have. And no I am not taking up sfor K. Michelle, cuz she ain't no better. You talk about her the right way, she crying victim to.
Back to the story.
Tamar and Terrell acted as best friends on the show. They cried together. She rallied for him as a gay black male on her reality show. And he used to go up for her on twitter (searching her name and trying to get people together on her behalf). So now that he jumped ship... funky dineva found the court paperwork showing that their old nanny is suing Tamar and Vince for back pay too.
So there's a rumor that Lil' Wayne is dropping his lawsuit of over $50 million against Birdman.
Well, let me explain.
He dropped the lawsuit in Miami and is going to refile the lawsuit in Louisiana (where Wayne signed his contract).
Here's the statement via Rolling Stone by Lil Wayne's lawyer:
"Lil Wayne and Young Money LLC have entered into a stipulation with Cash Money the effect of which is to transfer the claims raised in the action which had been commenced in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York to the Federal and/or State Courts of Louisiana," the rapper's legal team added in a statement to Rolling Stone.
"The claims previously asserted by Lil Wayne and Young Money LLC against Cash Money for substantial monies owed and breach of fiduciary duty have not been settled and will be prosecuted in Louisiana as expeditiously as possible,"
No they didn't make up. And probably not since Birdman has found him a new Lil Wayne anyways.
This is Young Thug's new cd cover for the Carter 6. He's not even a Carter. At this point, Birdman just being a petty ex-boyfriend.
Bad Bitch Status
Young Thug feels he is bigger than Lil Wayne so he can use the Carter as his cd title.
Young Thug says: “I just feel like I’m that big…Cause [Wayne] feel like after Tha Carter V he ain’t gonna make no more music. Cause he feel like can’t nobody make music like that… Tha Carter VI Nigga…I’m going straight at his ass.”
So Tidal is a new streaming service that Jay-z has purchased and is going to make bank from.
If you were not aware, artists get paid a small percentage of a penny per stream, so basically they are not getting anything for music that people are getting free without paying for their music through iTunes, purchasing CDs, etc. People are paying the service fees but that isn't really going back to the artist who created what you are listening to.
So Jay-z got this service, where he and other artists can get paid back on their music. I mean, I like to get paid for my work, so I understand.
So if you have a few extra dollars, and you listen to streaming music. Go ahead and get your stream on and support the artist. You will not receive any judgment from me.
I will not tell anybody what to spend their money on. You can spend your money on whatever you want to. This is my issue. And honestly, it's not with Tidal. It's with you all who have to announce what you will not do because other people are enjoying something. Either you are really that miserable, or you really just like to be a "party pooper." And that is not the move.
As soon as the release went up, people were all "I am not using that. That is stupid. Who pays for music. Bla Bla Bla." Do you boo, but really, this is not for you. This is so people can support the artists they enjoy listening to. I mean, they are dropping exclusive content on this service before it's available to everyone else.
So those people who are announcing that they will not get it. Go away.
What I am tired of people doing is saying "I don't want to pay for this." or "I don't watch that tv show." (for those of you that have to announce that you don't watch Scandal, Empire, Etc).
I'm gonna say this once.
Girl, boy, it, whatever you want to be, we do not care. I don't watch Being Mary Jane, but I don't get on Twitter the day it comes on and say "I don't watch Being Mary Jane." I don't tweet about it. It's not my thing, it's just not my thing. Ain't nothing you all can say that will make me watch it and I'm pretty sure, me announcing that I don't watch it is not going to get you to stop. And that ain't my brain to control. I don't care what you do and don't like. Clearly there's an audience for it, or the show would be cancelled.
But I will say this. Tidal wrong for some of these artist profile pics.
Another day, another reason for me not to like this family.
So that family went to Church on Easter. Wearing this:
Your thoughts? (in the comments)
If I can't walk into church with my durag on, you can't walk in looking like you going to the club. Point blank Period.
But again, we are talking about the TrashyCans going to church. For all we know, they went to celebrate Yeezus or whatever they do.
This is how you can wear white to church in 2015 and still be in without looking trashy.
I am just hating. They or you can wear whatever you want to wear to church. Just be ready for judgment from the older women.
Just go. Get your spirit fed with the holy ghost. Or don't go, that's your decision, we do live in America.
While we are on the topic, let's get this out of the way.
Kylie Jenner is not in blackface. Now this is a little tricky. Yes she is doing her thing to appear darker in these pictures. I think she is mimicking Blac Chyna more than anything with everything she has been doing. I mean, this is a Kardashian, they all want to be black more than Fox news and CNN wants us to be monsters sent to Africa. I mean she did use to look like this,
and she said she refuses to be the ugly duckling in the family.
This will probably be the last thing I ever post about this family, because they really get on my Right Damn Nerves
I know it's been a while, but like Ciara, I'm back again.
I've been having computer problems (again) but one of my best friends helped me with that. For this, I am forever grateful.
Anyways. Easter was yesterday and this weekend was full of foolishness So to get back into this thing called blogging, let's talk about the Easter Foolishness.
First, Let's talk about Plies. He was minding his business, performing in Tallahassee FL and what happens.... Some dude was on the stage and he let him stay there, but the man got too close. Plies said he was too close and that made the boy feel a certain type of way and he decided to take Plies ass right off the stage WWE style.
Then the dude explained, it was because he felt disrespected.
So Pliers (that's what his real name is because he said he's the pliers of hip hop) needs to use his nursing degree to get himself back to great help.
I wanted to post the video someone made of Pliers speaking out,but I don't have the time.
I haven't been here in a while, because I've been busy. Well actually, I haven't felt like being here, but that's a different story for another day. Anyways, I woke up yesterday, on my relaxing day off, to twitter going crazy over Amber Rose Dragging Khole Kardashian from California to Florida.
Let me give you the full story (because that's what I do).
Amber Rose was on the Breakfast Club and they asked her how she felt about this whole Tyga (the 25 year old rapper that her best friend has a baby by), leaving his girl and now dating Kylie Jenner (the now 17 year old KarTrashyCan child).
Well, Amber said that she didn't think it was right for a 25 year old man to date a 17 year old girl. And she was basically letting the world know how she was taken advantage of at 15 and was a stripper. She know how older people can prey on younger people and get them to do things they really aren't ready for. (I made my own assumption).
So Khloe, the beefy Kardashian? (we don't know who her daddy is) got on twitter and said the same thing she says to everybody that says something about her family. Note... Her family makes their money by people talking about them, but I guess she doesn't people to talk about them THIS time?
And she tried to bring up the fact that Amber was a stripper at 15, things we already know.
Well, Khloe, tried it with the wrong one today. Amber had all day to be petty and childish, and that's exactly what she did. She was petty and childish.
And she let Khloe have it
Khloe bowed out because she figured out that Amber would clap back. (remember, Amber makes her money the same way the KarTrashyCans make their money) and she could get her name out there the same way.
Amber didn't care at all. She said she will continue to drag Khloe because, what else do she have to do.
And saying Amber hit below the belt talking about Khloe mom's was at the trial for her real dad while her current step dad was at the trial and her father (the one who raised her) defended him.
That Put me out!
And we know how y'all family do, being around the man that y'all say you not with but right there with them.
So Charlamagne (the one who started all of this anyways) busted out with a "Tyga will be on the breakfast club tomorrow" tweet.
So we all sat back, buying our popcorn and getting our drinks ready for this entertainment.
So Tyga woke his happy ass up and decided "this was his moment" to go on and say the same thing that we already knew he was going to say. "I ain't sleeping with her."
And that's where we are today.
What do I have to say about this:
So this is my thing, Tyga has been around this girl all this time since she was 16 and they together on holidays and spending a lot of quality time together. He says the black community is saying he's sleeping with this girl and it's blacks people who make this up. Sir, being black ain't got nothing to do with the obvious. Don't run around with a 17 year old girl, doing things you would do with your baby mama and expect people to be like "oh they are just friends." Y'all together on Valentine's day, you giving her flowers, y'al together on Christmas, you giving her presents. Boy Please!
And don't try to say you just enjoy her company. I enjoy my friends, but I don't need to be with them like that. And also, what do you have in common with a 16 year old girl (you been linked to dating her since she was 16) AND ON TOP OF THAT!!! why you know what the age of consent is in different states? Are you studying the law and having sex with her in places where the legal age is 17? Who knows these laws in other states when they live in California where the legal age of consent is 18? Only a person trying to do something illegal where they live and legal where they are going. The time I don't have for your yellow bone pedophile ass is up. Good bye!!!
Ma'am, I am all great for going up for my family. But girl, did you listen to the interview. Well, yes you did. But did you comprehend the interview. Amber was ASKED how she felt about her friend's baby daddy leaving her and messing with your 17 year old sister. Amber didn't bring that up. That wasn't why she was there. And then, you come with the same ole stuff you tried to get Adrianna Bailon with saying "we don't talk about you." Girl, your family makes their money off us talking about you, so that argument makes no sense at all. My family makes money off our popularity because we have no other talents, and that sex tape was whack so we don't see talent there either, so I'm going to go in on a girl defending my little sister on a man who is 8 years older than her. What you should have said, and this would have deaded everything. " My sister is not sleeping with that man." Did you deny your little sister sleeeping with him? Nope, you just added fuel to the damn fire saying don't talk about us. There's a lie that someone is doing on 1 of my brothers now and what do I do, deny the lie, then I tell a MF to keep his name out of their mouth. But what we going to clear up first is that lie.
To the people: Some of y'all are saying Amber hit too low below the belt. What fights have y'all been in. Every fight I've been in, I try to hit below the belt all the way down to the foot if I have to. Why would I fight fair. What's fair about a fight? Like seriously. I've read "the family should be off limits." The family on TV that makes their money off us talking about them should be off limits THIS TIME. Oh Ok. That makes sense. I don't care how they feel. I don't care what they say. I don't care who I hurt. You came for me, so let me send you away CRYING. But I guess I'll just be called a bully again because of that.