Monday, October 20, 2014

Fantasia Married Y'all

So Fantasia has been flaunting this new man. 

You know, the one that y'all think is fine and he got that criminal record
So he has gotten her name tattoo'ed on his chest.

But the thing that gives you this post is....
They are supposedly married.

I'm glad Fantasia got her a man at home now, but married.... Assault case...  Tattoo...   Too Much!.
Here's the blended family  between them two:

 (Ziyon not in the picture though)

Not sure how long they have been involved with each other and it's not our place to say whether or not they should be together, but with Fantasia's track record with men.... I just can't.  But good luck girl.  Wish you all the best, but if this one don't work out... I don't want to read a story about you taking kids vitamins again in the closet trying to get rid of your self.  Just charge it to the game and move on.  Hell marriage ain't but a certificate now and since everybody get divorces in Vegas at the chapel, you might as well.  Since gay marriage is what y'all say is taking out the sanity of marriage  but y'all getting divorced every other week and married the next.  But don't get me started...

Speaking of Marriages.
Her Hood Friend

Is supposedly married too.  Based on the rumors, people are saying that her and Kid Dynomite (that's what I call him and I say it in JJ's voice from "Good Times.") supposedly got married and since she has a CD coming out in November.... I guess she will be pregnant.  Fun Fact... Lil Mo has birthed 4 kids and she was pregnant either right after the CD came out or during the time the CD came out so she has NEVER been able to promote a CD the right way.  Here we go again.  Just watch.  She said she will have as many kids as she can and she will marry as many times as she needs to.  She hopes this one works out.  I hope so to girl.

Here's their blended family 

Meanwhile, Jennifer Hudson still just engaged.

 Word on the curb is they not ever getting married.  They secretly not even together and trying to find the best time to be done with each other.  After a million year engagement, Punk got tired and he ain't like her as a skinny girl.  I think J-Hud got her confidence and don't see it for him but that's all speculation.  We'll see what unfolds.  

Right Damn Now!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Kylie Jenner and Tyga (rolls eyes)

Them kardasians will take your man.
So Trina was dating French Montana and Khloe took him and he started dating her.

Now Blac Chyna (Kim's "friend") was with Tyga, had a baby and now all of a sudden Kylie Jenner is dating him.  (They say they are not dating but supposedly he is about to tell everybody they are).

How old is this girl?

She is 17.

How old is Tyga?

He is 25.

So why are they even trying this.   Oh I know, because the Kardashian name means something to these shallow ass rappers.

We were wondering why he just abruptly left Blac Chyna without her even knowing.  Well, now you know why.  I bet he found out she liked him and was like, get rid of the black girl. 

Blac Chyna's a sweet heart.  

Just wait.  Him and Wiz Latifah will both be single mothers.  You see how Wiz going through and he making drastic changes like a woman when her man leaves her.

Both of them already look like 2 studs that had babies.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Larry Johnson Arrested

Larry Johnson was arrested....

Yes Larry Johnson.

The same Larry Johnson that used to be "roommates" with Jay-z.

So apparently, he attacked his "male friend" inside the club at the Delano Hotel in Miami.

According to reports Mr. Johnson was punching his "friend" repeatedly, knocking him to the ground, before smashing a liquor bottle and swinging it at his "friend."  

He was booked on a felony charge of aggravated batter and being held on a $7,500 bond.

The victim had to be treated at the hospital.

I'm just gonna leave that story right where it is.  I will let you all make your own assumptions on this.

But know this... Larry Johnson has been arrested at least 5 times for assault of a woman.  And avoided jail time at least 4 of them times.  I'm not sure how he does it.

Larry Johnson used to date Julissa Burmudez and Chilli from TLC

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Kicked Up Out The Club...

Faces from the 2000s that we don't care about...

Jermaine Dupri had a party at "The Gold Room" in Atlanta for his birthday. 
Well he invited his normals that included Jagged Edge. 
The Twins showed up and were under dressed for the event.  Everybody was in black tie and they came ready for the mall.
So the club didn't want to let them in.  They did the whole, "do you know who I am thing."  And The Gold Room didn't care.
JD came out and got mad because his friends couldn't get in. 

The twins were cussing.
Now supposedly everybody is banned from The Gold Room.
They not living their life like it's golden.
But we all know them Jagged Edge dudes stay in some stuff.  Never know how to act.
Here's a video of the "other dude" the one who never sings from Jagged Edge fighting Sisqo (yes unleash the dragon Sisqo) in one of them 90s tours that are always going on.  He picks him and throws him like a rag doll, like, like, like, like a rag doll.

Here's the story from TMZ:
Gold Room host Kenny Burns tells TMZ … the R&B group showed up under-dressed — hoodies and caps — for the exclusive event. Owner Alex Gidewon tried to compromise — since it was Jermaine’s party … agreeing to let the guys in IF they lost the hats.
We’re told when Jagged Edge refused, they got the boot — which pissed off Jermaine BIG time … and the guys started cussing out security. Eventually they all got the heave ho.
JD tells us he and his crew, including Jagged Edge, were in the club for 35 minutes — without any problems — before management ever complained. He feels the club was very disrespectful.
The club seems willing to forgive and forget with Jermaine … but we’re told Jagged Edge has been banned from the Gold Room.

Fantasia's Baby Daddy Wants What?

Fantasia can't "Lose to Win" (her words).  


Now her first baby daddy.  The one that she talked about in the movie now wants full custody of her daughter Zion .  Zion is 13 years old and has been with her mama since she was born.  Why now?

Because Fantasia is back on her grind and getting to her coins, you want some.  Sir, sit.  Here is what he had to say via Rumor Fix:
“Fantasia Barrino is currently involved in a Child Custody, Visitation, and Child Support legal proceeding filed in Mecklenburg , North Carolina . The lawsuit was filed by Me. Brandel J. Shouse, the father of Fantasia’s 13-year-old daughter Zion . Despite living in North Carolina , Mr. Shouse had very little personal contact with Zion and has provided no financial support for her. The case will not be heard until 2015. Fantasia is confident that legal process will move forward smoothly and that the Court will make a decision that is in the best interest of Zion .”

Sir, there is no way in hell they going to give you custody of a daughter that you didn't want to begin with.  And you haven't been in this child's life for how many years?  Let's say 12.  Maybe even 13 so sit down.  Nobody giving you Zion for a check. 

Gloves are Off! Amber & Wiz

(insert pic of fake amber rose)
Wiz and Amber are letting all that dirty laundry air out.
First she said he cheated.  Then he said he didn't cheat.

Then somebody from Amber's (wiz's) camp said that she plays the victim, they were in an open relationship, and she was upset that her star power isn't as big as Kim K.  Since she still holding that grudge against Kim for cheating with her boyfriend (Kanye West).
I’ve worked closely with both Wiz and Amber and I can honestly say that the stories of Wiz’s infidelity that lead to Amber’s recent filing for divorce from him are inaccurate. For one, Amber and Wiz had an open relationship/understanding from day one. Wiz was in love with Amber, and Amber appreciated the public knowing that he publicly adored her after her break-up with Kanye.
The issue in their marriage hit a boiling point when Wiz went on tour and wanted Amber to be a “stay at home mom”. Amber wanted to advance her career and resented the fact that Wiz was not more vocal in helping support her career like Kanye supports Kim. Wiz however felt that by providing Amber with the financial backing and lifestyle security that would be sufficient enough, and that asking her to be a stay at home mom to their son Sebastian was the least she could do. If truth be told it is no secret in our camp that Amber Rose and Kim Kardashian have a long history of ill feelings toward one another. Amber wants her career to be bigger than Kim’s, and she thought by having a baby and marrying Wiz it would be competition for KimYe. Amber got very little to no media interest like Kim Kardashian did with her pregnancy, baby pictures, and wedding. Amber still resents Kim for messing with Kanye and with hopes of overshadowing Kim’s media power Amber had Wiz hire Miley Cyrus mother Tish Cyrus to be her manager, but nothing came into fruition from that union.
Amber is not doing anything new, her M.O is she plays the victim to get sympathy and innocent points, and then publicly tries to defame the men she dated in the media. Knowing both Wiz and Amber very well, Wiz isn’t a saint by any means, he has his own demons, but I can attest that when Amber was dating Kanye she went behind Kanye’s back and met with Russell Simmons for “guidance” in helping to advance her career. And this time when Amber wasn’t getting what she wanted from Wiz in helping her career, she arranged a “private” meeting, without Wiz’s knowledge, with Nick Cannon. Nick going through his own divorce from Mariah Carey fell for her sob story and agreed to “manage” her. But what man going through a divorce would engage in a “business arrangement” with a attractive woman who they knew prior is going through a divorce from their husband? A man who is sleeping with that woman! Amber thought the media backlash would be against Wiz and on her side when she filed for divorce this past Monday and when the public turned on her for allegedly cheating on Wiz with Nick Cannon, she hinted the reason of her separation from Wiz was due to his infidelity, which is INCORRECT!
So now Peter Rosenburg from Hot 97 is saying that he and Amber are really cool and the reason she left Wiz is because she walked in on him with twins.  Biological sisters.  He says that:
Amber walked in on him with two women at the same time, two women, twins, biological sisters.
Let me put it this way, if they weren't twins - no chance Wiz Khalifa would hook up with them.  because there's two of them, two 5's equal a 10.
Not sure if these are the twins, but they posting this pic around the twitter.
I will be expecting Wiz to say something bad about Amber tomorrow and the twins will have a statement.

Future wants The Ring Back

Whoa, whoa, whoa, who oh oh the ring didn't mean a thing.  Kim Z voice.
Future and Ciara are officially done and now the ugly is coming out.  

Future supposedly has asked for the ring back and Ciara has said.  Sorry.
Now, this is my thing, if Ciara doesn't want to give the ring back, she doesn't have to.  She collects rings remember?

He can't get that ring back.  He gave it to her, it was a gift, who cares how much he paid for it.
They are saying he is going to sue her for the ring back, but Ciara is smart, she knows how to get gifts from her men.

Keep your head up Ci.  I guess Future is feeling the brunt of his actions.  He did Ciara wrong and now his career is seeing the effects of that.
People take note to your private life when you in the public. 
And... since Future wants the ring back, does he want her finger too since they got them matching tattoos.

Fantasia Defends Her Man!

Fantasia is tired of me and you talking a bout everybody she dating.  She wants you all to know that this man is a keeper and don't try to tell her who to date!

In an Instagram post (which is our new news site).  She decided to tell you about how blessed she is now.
These are her words.  
I know she got that GED but .. (I'm not going to say anything).

Side note, how many times did you have to read this to figure out what she was saying?
Education is important people.