Monday, May 12, 2014

Personal Blog: What's been going on with ME

I've been watching everything that's been going on with the rumors and stuff for celebrities, but I haven't had the strength to deal with it.

I'm just playing.  I was and still am sick.

Here is what happened:

I wasn't really hungry but a friend took me out for fish and fries somewhere I've never been.
The food was great and I enjoyed the little bit I ate and took the rest home.

The next Saturday I was hungry and didn't have a way to get anything to eat. (that's a different story nothing major)

So guess what....

I ate the fish from  a week ago.

I know, stupid right. 
So that night one of my friends asked me to come over for wings and wine.

I don't feel bad, so the I drove out there to eat wings and drink wine.
Something is wrong tho....

Wings are on my list of things I love, and I don't have a taste for them.  My friend is saying "don't make me look bad."  I'm just explaining that I don't have that much of an appetite, not thinking anything is wrong, and I go home.

The next day is Sunday, I'm feeling weak, can't get out the bed, had to watch church via the Internet (Cof Empowers) and I'm in the bed.  My best friend takes my truck and his cousin and they go to another church that day.

They come home after and they want to get something to eat.

I just think I have a little fever since my body now has the chills.  So I decided to go.  They wanted to go to Golden Coral (which I don't like but I'll eat).

It's Easter Sunday (by the way) so it's packed.  COMPLETELY PACKED!

So we decided to leave and go to Furrs across the freeway.

As quick as they built that Furrs, the restaurant is closed down.

So we end up going to old faithful.... Cheddar's (It's one of my favorite cheap places so I'm not tripping at all!!!)  There wasn't a wait at all!!! 

Well, I normally order ribs and I didn't want that this time.  I still have the chills and by now, I'm ready to go back home but I'm not rude.  I ended up ordering me a Sangria Swirl Margarita but the waiter got me a Texas Strawberry Swirl and normally I would go off on my stuff being wrong for a free drink, but I didn't have the energy for that.

I ate half of 1 chicken tender, and if you know me, I'm a big boy (well I'm 30lbs thinner now because and I'll get to that later)

I come home, lay down and it starts.  I'm throwing up, having bad diarrhea and I feel horrible.  This is going on for a week.  And I had to go to court during this time.  People moving away from me because I literately look like a zombie, skin peeling, no energy in my face, black marks in my skin.

I call my manager and on the 5th day she tells me to call the leave people.  

I'm so hardheaded that I decide to go to work.  

I get there at 3:30 (supposed to be there at 11:30) and as I'm walking in, my manager stops me.

Manager:  Boy, what are you doing here, you need to go home.  You lost so much weight, you look sick, you need to go home.  (My body is weak and I have sick all over my face)
Me:  (in a weak voice) oh I can work today, I'm ok
Manager:  I can tell you sick, you need to go home, just start the leave.(now I already missed 5 days of work and used 5 days of my PTO.  

I get through the 4 hours of work barely.  Everybody that calls is annoying me.  I'm rushing everybody off the phone.  But I realize I can't do it.

So I miss 5 days and call the leave people where the girl I talked to was rude and condescending.

I have to give her a good ole speech to get her to send me my leave papers and I start looking at my insurance (which is great by-the-way).

I find a dr that's about 1 light from my apt, ask my cousin to take me (truck broke down and I need it towed to get fixed, but the way my bank acct is set up.... that's not happening anytime soon)

My apt is the next day.  I get dressed, my cousin picks me up and we go to the dr.

I get in the office and I'm clearly weak, it's hard for me to walk because all this time.... I HAVEN'T ATE ANYTHING!.

My face is dry, I have black spots all over me face still and my skin is dried out.

The lady at the front desk asked for my insurance card.  I don't have one from my insurance company, so from working in the medical insurance for 7 years, I know they have to call and confirm the insurance.  

The lady behind the desk says "we can't call it in, the doctors get mad."

 I said thank you, and walked out of the office and got in the car with my cousin.

She couldn't believe how quick I came back to the car.  She decided to take me to the ER (which I hate all ERs).  I let her take me.

After waiting in the lobby for 3 years and telling the people that I've been there so long.  They say I have 2 people in front of me but I've been there longer than everybody there.

I finally get to the back and they took blood, a stool sample, gave me an ultra-sound, and they gave me gave 2 IVs full of fluid.  They sent me home just telling me that I have a bad case of food poisoning.  By this time I had been there more than 7 hours.  The ultra-sound man tells me I can't drink anymore.  The Dr told me that is not true.  Gave me 2 Rx and the names of 2 dr's she wants me to go to.

My best friend picks me up, and I lay down.  Now we are here.  I'm still going to the rest room every 3 hours (I have a log of everytime I go) and things are feeling a little better but it's very minimal and I am still trying to get myself together.

Just wanted to let you all know why the blog post have not been coming out.

Can't wait till I feel better

Beyoncé didn't go to Kelly's Wedding: Yea Right

There are rumors running rapid that Beyoncé didn't attend Kelly's wedding because she was seen at the game that night with her husband.

First she tweeted this pic that morning:

Clearly she's dressed for  formal event.  
Remember when Kelly and Michelle tweet a pic before Beyoncé wedding.
Can't find the picture but it happened. 
She just returned the favor.

Clearly she went to the wedding and then left immediately to go to to the game on her Jet.
Normally when Beyoncé goes to a game with her husband she is dressed like this:

But this week, she just left that wedding and she is super tired just trying to make it through

She ain't ever dress like she is coming from church going to a game.
Oh yea! Most of ya'll think she worships the devil anyways.

Which she clearly doesn't.

Anyways,  Congratulations on your nuptials Kelly Witherspoon.

Solange, Can You Not Show Your Ass Just Once

So something happened before the Met Gala that really pissed her off.

Everybody was talking about how her wig was tilted at the Met Gala, now we know why.
Beyoncé has the face that she is proud of her sister the way she is gazing at he sister. 
Beyoncé and Solange are very protective of each other.  I think Beyoncé vented to Solange and whatever she told her about whatever is going on in her marriage (everyone has issues in marriage) and Solange really didn't like what she heard.  She had to hit her brother-in-law, because she is just that mad.  (This is just what I think happened, no truth to this)

Here's the video of them in the elevator:

Surprised Jay-z didn't do more from the time he knocked that girl out backstage.

Updated with full video from the elevator:

Also she erased all the pics of Beyoncé off her IG too.  So she mad at the Carters.  But let's not forget... Solange does suffer from Bi-polar disorder as well.