Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sorority Sisters

Why now?  

When them?

What makes them so special?

Are questions I ask you all when it comes to the new reality show that is called "Sorority Sisters."

I am sick and tired of you all saying "they are showing black people in a bad light."  Newflash, we have  been shown in a bad light since "The Flavor of Love" has aired on VH1 and really since Tami Roman was on "The Real World" crying rape.  

This show is not any different from the Housewives, Love and HipHop, Married to Medicine, the Preachers of LA, etc.  But y'all have a problem because they have letters?  

Newflash, your biggest reality star, who shows her ass literately has letters too.  Why y'all ain't shutting her down?

You are acting as if these women are on tv acting like their letters is their life.  From what I watched, they could have made this show called "Atlanta Instagram Business Woman," and nothing would have changed.  They just happened to have letters.

But this ain't only about them.  I'm still mad at y'all for getting "All My Babies Mamas" cancelled before it even started but y'all let Nelly and Rico Suave keep their shows.  Your priorites are completely out of ORDER!!!  We all know Shawty Lo does not have the money to just support all these kids and y'all got his cash flow stopped.  You should be ashamed of yourselves (speaking sarcastically for those of you who think everybody is serious on the internet).  

Anyways, all this boycotting and fake outrage on social media over a reality show isn't the move.  Trust me, I have silently stopped shopping at certain store and going to certain places because I don't agree with what they do to us.  At least VH1 is giving these women a platform to get their boutiques out there, and before you say VH1 doesn't like black people, just know, their core audience is black.  Yes, they hated us back in the day but we getting them their money today.  So if you feel like something is exploting your culture, religion, race, sexuality, or whatever, there's this button on your remote that can handle that... It's called the change channel button or power off your damn cable box.  

Enough of you fake outraged people do this, then stuff can get turned off.  That's what I did with the Aaliyah movie but y'all were so mad and on the channel it gave them the viewers they were looking for.

Happy New Year

Where have I been?  You don't care and I'll get into that later.  

I really wasn't going to get back on here until after I had some things here situated but because this is SO DAMN SPECIAL, let me give you this.

Lil Kim and Cyndi Lauper decided to go ahead and bless us with their vocals over "Time After Time." (one of my favorite Lil' Mo covers by the way).

"Come on... Let it go"

Here's Cyndi Lauper and Lil' Kim singing over "Time After Time."  

This may be old as hell (2012) but this is the funnies thing I've seen in a while and honestly, I needed this laugh.