Monday, January 4, 2016

2016 is not the Future

Future is MAD.

I mean MAD

He tweeted:  (read from the bottom up)

He is upset with not being able to see his son.  But come on, would you want your baby's father to see you child if he's always allegedly on substances?

Tell me, how does this make any sense.  But peep that last tweet (the first one on the top) He says new heat coming soon.  Meaning was this all for promotion of his next project?  Knowing how Future and Chyna posted them pics of her wrist "tattoo" you be the judge.

But anyways, here's pictures of Ciara's New Years/Christmas and what Future must have seen to make him big mad for the day.

And from what I was reading, some of y'all are still mad at Ciara for this?  Like really, you all have been mad at her and she hasn't done anything but move on from the Fuckboy that is Future.  Just because you like to listen to his music doesn't mean he's a good person.  This goes back to Bill Cosby, separate the art from the work.  Please do.  I'm tired.

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