Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year... Stop Defending Bill Cosby

Happy New Year!  For some of you all, that may be the only thing you like about this post and I'm ok with that.  What Am I talking about.... Bill Cosby.

First things first, The Cosby Show wasn't all that.  To me, the show was BORING.  Like I couldn't relate to that show and Bill Cosby is  not my dad and neither is he yours so LET THAT SHIT GO.  He even said most of y'all don't have fathers and don't know what a family is, so why are we here.  He is not your father.  And truth be told, I couldn't even relate to Bill Cosby, I related more to Carl Winslow and Reginal ValJohnson is a gay man.  Does that make his tv persona different for me.  No.  I know how to separate the character from the person. 

Now, this is not some conspiracy to make his legacy tournished.  Let's be clear, what was he doing at this time to make you say "Hmmm... Bill Cosby really is representing me right now.  Get over it.  He doesn't even like y'all.  He's says so much stuff about how the black community is lazy.  

For those of you that keep reposting that Facebook post about him buying NBC and simple Google search would have told you that he tried to buy NBC 23 years ago and he was flat out told "No" by the network.  23 years ago.  Not last week.  So that has nothing to do with him getting arrested. 

For those of you saying "Why Now?"  Well... he was caught now for the 1 girl he was caught sexually abusing less than 9 years ago.  And since that statute of limitations hasn't passed.... then he got caught.  I need you all to stop accepting things just because of who it is.  It's 2016, stop doing  that.  I've seen so many hurt people, but what about those women?  What about them?  And he had the nerve to joke about it back in the day.

This is not about his legacy, if you liked the Cosby show, like the Cosby show.  It's that simple, but don't make an excuse for Bill Cosby to have do what he's done to those women.  This is not a distraction.  Everything is not a distraction.  If I can talk on the phone, watch a movie, eat, listen to music and do other things all at 1 time.  I can also have pay attention to more than 1 news story at a time.  

Anyways.  Happy New Year.  I'm trying to do this again.  But most of the stories will be my opinion.  If you agree or disagree, post something in the comments. 

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