Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Farrah Franklin... That Substitute From Destiny's Child

Remember that girl that was in Destiny's Child for about 2 weeks named Farrah Franklin?

Yea, you remember her, because y'all kept saying she was prettier than Bey and that's why she got kicked. 
But we all know that is NOT the case.

Anyways, she was picked up on her stroll and taken to Myrtle Beach (you know, how ballers pick up hoes, but I ain't say that).
While she was out there, they say she kept leaving them while they were chilling (drinking) and going into the bathroom for extended periods of time. Thinking she was doing a little more than drinking and she decided to turn all the way up.

She's there with 2 football players:
Da'Quan Bowers & Ricky Sapp


and they didn't know how to deal with her so they told her they were calling the police.  She was like "forget that!" and ran the hell away from them....

That run resulted in this Mug Shot

 (She looks like Tami Roman used to look).

Is this what Kelly Price meant by being "booked."

She was found on somebody's porch sleep and she told the cops she was just trying to sleep in the woods.

This the 2nd time she was arrested for disorderly conduct:


And just because it's Farrah, let's visit her exit from Destiny's Child.

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