Wednesday, July 23, 2014

T.I. & Tiny Made Up.... In Song Format

Was it all a publicity stunt for their Family Hustle TV show?
Is Floyd Mayweather in on this?
Did T.I. Really have that baby?
Is Tiny living alone?

Well, these are all the questions inquiring minds still want to know.  But we ain't getting the answers to that.

T.I. decided to get flowers for Tiny's birthday and now all is well in the Harris house.

It's so good that he finally let Tiny sing again.  Remember she's always wanted to get back into the music industry but when she was on Tiny & Toya he told her she couldn't sing in this here industry.

So not only  did she come out with a single, she has a full video to go with it.
 The song is called "What the Fuck You Gon Do?" or WTFYGD

(How she get her video and song on iTunes so fast and people releasing music mad because they can't get it on iTunes for months after the song has already came out?

Then he confesses his love for her in his song. Stay.

The real life Kermit and Miss Piggy have claimed their thrown again.

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