Sunday, July 6, 2014

Nicki Vs Iggy... Not really

So if you watched the BET awards, you would have heard Nicki's acceptance speech to winning Best Female HipHop artist for the 5th year in a row.

(Side note... Who knew Charlie Baltimore had a whole single with a video

And why was Eve's last ever album even nominated.  That whole cd was like a mixture of songs that didn't make the cut and she wanted to get out of her contract since she got married to Maximillion).

And why she looks like Chante Moore's ghost.  Let me find out Charli is Chante's alter ego.

Anyways, here's her acceptance speech:

People are saying she was shading the hell out of Iggy.  Which if you listen to any of her acceptance speeches, you would know that she says this same stuff all the time. But people felt that Iggy was the one she is talking about.  

Does Iggy write her own music?  Is T.I. writing her music?  Who knows, but everything is thinking it.  Time to prove yourself girl.  But since you have been given that title of the girl who doesn't write your own music, that title ain't ever going away.

Iggy responded to the speech by saying:

Nicki came back and explained she wasn't talking about Iggy, here's her response.

Now let's see what happens next between all these women of hiphop.

I was actually surprised that BET gave the award to Nicki because I thought they were going to give it to Iggy like all the other award shows will do to Iggy in the future no matter what she puts out.  Look at how they treat Robin Thicke, Justin Timberlake, Macklemore, and Eminen.  But I'm not saying nothing.

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