Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Foolishness: KarTrashyCans

Another day, another reason for me not to like this family.

 So that family went to Church on Easter.   Wearing this:

Your thoughts? (in the comments)
If I can't walk into church with my durag on, you can't walk in looking like you going to the club.  Point blank Period.

But again, we are talking about the TrashyCans going to church.  For all we know, they went to celebrate Yeezus or whatever they do. 
This is how you can wear white to church in 2015 and still be in without looking trashy.

I am just hating.  They or you can wear whatever you want to wear to church.  Just be ready for judgment from the older women. 

 Just go.  Get your spirit fed with the holy ghost.  Or don't go, that's your decision, we do live in America. 
While we are on the topic, let's get this out of the way. 

Kylie Jenner is not in blackface.  Now this is a little tricky.  Yes she is doing her thing to appear darker in these pictures.  I think she is mimicking Blac Chyna more than anything with everything she has been doing.  I mean, this is a Kardashian, they all want to be black more than Fox news and CNN wants us to be monsters sent to Africa.  I mean she did use to look like this,

and she said she refuses to be the ugly duckling in the family. 
This will probably be the last thing I ever post about this family, because they really get on my Right Damn Nerves


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