Monday, April 6, 2015

My Thougts.. Tidal

So Tidal is a new streaming service that Jay-z has purchased and is going to make bank from.

If you were not aware, artists get paid a small percentage of a penny per stream, so basically they are not getting anything for music that people are getting free without paying for their music through iTunes, purchasing CDs, etc.  People are paying the service fees but that isn't really going back to the artist who created what you are listening to.
So Jay-z got this service, where he and other artists can get paid back on their music.  I mean, I like to get paid for my work, so I understand. 

So if you have a few extra dollars, and you listen to streaming music.  Go ahead and get your stream on and support the artist.  You will not receive any judgment from me. 

I will not tell anybody what to spend their money on.  You can spend your money on whatever you want to.  This is my issue.  And honestly, it's not with Tidal.  It's with you all who have to announce what you will not do because other people are enjoying something.   Either you are really that miserable, or you really just like to be a "party pooper."  And that is not the move. 
As soon as the release went up, people were all "I am not using that.  That is stupid.  Who pays for music. Bla Bla Bla."  Do you boo, but really, this is not for you.  This is so people can support the artists they enjoy listening to.  I mean, they are dropping exclusive content on this service before it's available to everyone else. 
So those people who are announcing that they will not get it.  Go away.

What I am tired of people doing is saying "I don't want to pay for this." or "I don't watch that tv show." (for those of you that have to announce that you don't watch Scandal, Empire, Etc).
I'm gonna say this once.

Girl, boy, it, whatever you want to be, we do not care.  I don't  watch Being Mary Jane, but I don't get on Twitter the day it comes on and say "I don't watch Being Mary Jane."  I don't tweet about it.  It's not my thing, it's just not my thing.  Ain't nothing you all can say that will make me watch it and I'm pretty sure, me announcing that I don't watch it is not going to get you to stop.  And that ain't my brain to control.  I don't care what you do and don't like.  Clearly there's an audience for it, or the show would be cancelled.
But I will say this.  Tidal wrong for some  of these artist profile pics.

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