Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Foolishness: Plies

I know it's been a while, but like Ciara, I'm back again. 
I've been having computer problems (again) but one of my best friends helped me with that.  For this, I am forever grateful. 
Anyways.  Easter was yesterday and this weekend was full of foolishness  So to get back into this thing called  blogging, let's talk about the Easter Foolishness.
First,  Let's talk about Plies.  He was minding his business, performing in Tallahassee FL and what happens....  Some dude was on the stage and he let him stay there, but the man got too close.  Plies said he was too close and that made the boy feel a certain type of way and he decided to take Plies ass right off the stage WWE style.
Then the dude explained, it was because he felt disrespected.
So Pliers  (that's what his real name is because he said he's the pliers of hip hop)  needs to use his nursing degree to get himself back to great help.

 I wanted to post the video someone made of Pliers speaking out,but I don't have the time.


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