Thursday, April 3, 2014

Beyoncé being sued... But WHY!

So last year, 2 people were stepped on while trying to go to the Beyoncé concert in Oakpark on December 13th, 2013.

I went 2 days before on December 10th

Sad right

Now 4 months later, they are suing Beyoncé

If Beyoncé felt she was at fault, she would have visited the fans like she did, back in July, when the fireworks display went crazy and two people were injured.  Now they have a legit reason to sue Beyoncé but they are not.

So, this is where my beyhive card comes to play.


 How do you sue Beyoncé because you couldn't get your slow self into the venue to view the show!  She didn't have anything to do with people walking over you.

If Target and Walmart aren't getting sued on Black Friday when people are losing wigs, limbs, and lives, you can't sue Beyoncé.  

You just trying to get a come-up and it's not going to work.

What you need to do is sue the venue.  But no, you think it's more money in suing Beyoncé.  Why you not suing the people who actually walked over you?

all them people and you want to sue her?

See, when we went, we knew that the concert wasn't going to start on time number 1 and number 2 there would be an opening act.  Plus we had seats.  So therefore, there wasn't a reason to run up into the Toyota Center acting like Right Damn Fools and messing up my good outfit I had for the concert.

People were running in to the building, but nobody was running through the building like a fool.