Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Most Snatched Mugshot

Forget that building fund...

We need to get Porsha some bail money!!!

After she dragged Kenya across the floor in the club house...


Kenya decided to twirl her ass straight to the police station and filed them charges on Porsha.

(who gonna film with her now?)

So Porsha had to turn herself into the authorities.


How Do I feel about it?

Well, this is my thing, if you going to antagonize someone for  hours on tv and think they not gonna have a nigga moment.... think again.  I've been in situations where people have teased and asked for that good ass whooping, and you know what, I just had to give it to them.

You not going to get away with down right getting all up in someone's nerves and think they are going to just sit there and just let them continue to belittle them, eventually, they are going to lose it and lose control.

Anyways, Since Kenya has presseed charges everyone has had their things to say, but Kandi's response on IG has been the best:

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