Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Columbus Short

Since Shonda Rhymes (not to be confused as the cousin of Busta) decided to not give Columbus Short a storyline, he decided to go ahead and get a Scandal of his own.

First, he get's in trouble for fighting someone who was talking about his wife' at their party...

Now his wife... again.... is saying he threatened to beat her and commit suicide.
This happened a while back when there were first rumors of them getting a divorce.

Can we get Inyanla to come fix this life.

Hell, Olivia Pope on line 1, we need you to come fix it.  (Since you ain't fixing nothing else).

Here's the story according to TMZ:

According to a new restraining order -- obtained by TMZ -- Short got into it with his wife April 7 at their Chatsworth home, where she claims he came into her room intoxicated with a wine bottle in hand, acted like he was going to hit her with the bottle and then unloaded the wine on her.

Tuere Short claims Columbus then ran to the kitchen for a knife, pinned her to the couch and began choking her.  She says he then demanded they play a game he called "Truth or Truth."  He allegedly said if she lied he would stab her in the leg.

She says he then started naming men he believed she was having affairs with.  She denied them all but he allegedly then put the knife to her throat and threatened murder/suicide.  As she tried escaping she says he slashed her tire.

The restraining order requires Columbus to move out of the house.  We've learned cops were there today to ensure the peace as he moved out. 

Tuere also filed for divorce Tuesday, citing irreconcilable differences and asking for sole custody of their 2-year-old daughter. 

In addition to the incident April 7th, Short has been charged with criminal domestic violence and child abuse for allegedly abusing Tuere while their child and his son were in the house.  He pled not guilty.  And he was arrested for yet another alleged domestic violence incident a few weeks earlier.

I have my own theory on men beating on women but I'll keep that to myself.  

This is just a big mess.


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