Friday, April 18, 2014

Beyoncé to Kim Almost West "Girl bye"

Beyonce was minding her own business at the dermatologist, you know, keeping her stuff together, and guess who walks up..

Kim Kartrashican

On April 11th, they were both at Dr. Harold Lance's Beverly Hills office and Kim wanted to make sure she got the exact same procedure as Bey.

She thought getting the same procedures would get Beyoncé to talk to her, at the least, I bet she thought she could get her to come to her wedding.  But that ain't happening.

She was star struck, as usual to see Beyoncé, but you know Bey didn't feel the same.

According to RadarOnline:  Kardashian “seemed so excited to see Beyoncé and was really eagerly going over to her,” a source told Radar. “But Beyoncé looked like she wanted nothing to do with Kim and was really trying to stay away from her. Kim was basically fawning all over her … and Beyoncé looked like she could have cared less!”

She tried to bond over Blue and North but Bey just asked how was she, ended the conversation, and got the hell away from her.

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