Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tweet from Next is always in Some....

There were stories where Tweet was on Don't Date Him Girl . Com when he was supposedly using people for their money and women were putting him on blast.

He tried to put Matthew Knowles on Blast and then he was wiped off the face of the Earth.

He was even rumored to be the person who couldn't sing in the group and everyone else wanted him off, but because they are "brothers" he wasn't kicked out.

But now.

Oh but now...

His baby's mother is saying he  beat her
His baby mom was granted a temporary restraining order from saying he was abusive towards him.  She says he hit and shoved her.

She says he grabbed her neck and punched her in the mouth.  She even says he kicked her in the stomach while she was pregnant and he would kick her there when she wasn't pregnant.

Another thing she says is he got so mad at their 4-year old daughter for not kissing him in the mouth, that he hit the child and then threw the child into the car seat very forcefully.  Weird thing is... after this happened, he became upset and was yelling about Herpes.  But she says no one brought up herpes.  What child would bring up herpes at 4.  Dude had lost it there.

She also says he would look at porn on the computer with the kids in the same room.

But there are 2 sides to every story.
And he is saying

that he was verbally abusive but it was never physical.  He says, according to TMZ,  "I never kicked her in her stomach when she was pregnant with our son, who's now 10 years of age, nor when she wasn't with child. I never punched my ex-wife in the face, I've never grabbed my ex-wife by her neck or pushed her to the floor."

He says she gets on twitter and harrasses him on an acct that she has private with no followers and has now been shut down, saying racial slurs and being very mean to him.  Saying things like he's dying of AIDS and his lifestyle is to blame.  Also she had a tweet saying something about him being a dirty n(word) and all he needs to do is provide food  shelter for his children and he doesn't.

He says once the divorce is final he can move on (to his next victim) "I have peace in my life and I have moved on. That chapter is closed and I want her to respect my position and do what's best for our children."

Read the story here:  TMZ

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