Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Dad Beats Daughter's boyfriend instead of his fast tail daughter

This man was arrested on charges of battery and cruelty to children after he beat up his step-daughter's boyfriend when he caught both of them in the shower.

Why his stepdaughter got a man in the shower, I have no idea.
Now, I've read all kinds of comments from they feel he was right to they feel he was wrong and I have to say, this is a little more confusing than what you think.

He was sitting on the couch and he heard his daughter talking to someone in the bathroom.  He thought nothing of it at first until he heard a boy talking to her from the bathroom.
He knew something was up, and something was wrong!

He waited on them to get out the bathroom (my parents would have got me while I was int he bathroom), and the girl was in a towel and the boy was naked.  For them to be this comfortable, you can tell, this wasn't the first time they have showered together.

He then started cursing and yelling at the kids.  He ended up pushing past his daughter and beating to boy on the chest and face.  The girl said she had a red eye too from being hit in the face.
Now this is my thing.  You can't just go around hitting on people's kids who are not yours and these days, you can't even hit your kids without getting time unless you hide it. 

He was within his rights to beat his daughter.  I'll say that.  The boy, on the other hand, he didn't have to do that.  I can kinda tell, that the boy was talking noise and that made him mad to the point he beat him.  If this man yelling and screaming at these kids and this boy thinks he's a man since he just had sex in the shower with this hot tail little girl (don't get it twisted he hot tailed too) and he thinks he's big stuff and probably said something fly which made that man go across his head.

Let me tell you how we handle this:
One of my friends (I won't say her name) daughter tried something similar.  Dad came home early, saw her naked with a boy.  He made the girl and the boy get in the car, he drove them up to my friend's job.  Told her he was outside.  My friend rushed out.  She beat her daughter's ass right outside that building for being hot.  And he dropped off the boy at the jail.
No charges filed.

So tell me in the comments, is he right, is he wrong?  How would you have handled it?

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