Thursday, June 26, 2014

Shia LaBeouf Arrested....

Shia, Shia, Shia, 

First he said stop looking at him and decided to cover his face.

Then he said F**k Hollywood and he wasn't doing movies anymore while he was promoting the Transformers before the one that comes out this week.

Now he's getting arrested?

What is Shia going through at 28.  He can be on top of the world right now?

Where's the Stanley Yelnats from Holes?

 Here's the story:

Shia LaBeouf was reportedly escorted out of a performance of the Broadway show Cabaret in handcuffs, according to reports from audience members on social media (via Broadway World).

The 28-year-old actor was attending a performance of the musical, which stars Michelle Williams and Alan Cumming, at Studio 54 on Thursday evening (June 25) in New York City.

Shia was escorted out of the theater during intermission and a blurry photo from an Instagram user shows the scene outside. Click the thumbnail below to see the pic!
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your places call for Act II. Also, to let you know, Shia LaBeouf has just been escorted from the building in handcuffs. Yep, that just happened,” cast member Danny Burstein wrote on Facebook.

In case you didn’t know, the fourth film in the Transformers franchise just so happened to be released into theater

We'll see what happens next


Sherri Shepherd

Sherri Shepherd has decided it's time for her to leave "The View."


Here's her statement:

It's been seven wonderful years on The View and affter careful consideration it is time for me to move on.  I am extremely grateful to Barbara Walters and Bill Gedde for giving me the opportunity.  I look forward to the business opportunities that lay ahead for me and I am incredibly grateful to my View family and my fans for supporting me on this journey.

I guess with all the family issues and things, it was time to go.  Going through a divorce is tough and she may need some time to reflect....


Girl what are you going to do?

The last movie Sherry Shepherd was in was Beautyshop 2 right?

What she going to do, Beautyshop 3?

Become a refrigerator?

Play Taz in the new Space Jam movie?

The View was probably the best thing to happen to Sherry and since she couldn't come to an agreement with ABC on her contract, she should have took whatever they gave her.  It ain't too many shows on TV, not talk shows featuring black women anyways.  

Good luck girl...

Right Damn Now.

Kardashians... WE DON'T CARE

Family of fame, we stopped caring at the beginning, and at this point.  We are tired.  We are drained.  We are sick of it.

We didn't care about North's birthday party.  It looked like she didn't care either.

We didn't care about Bruce's transition from Male to Female.

We didn't care about the wedding.

We didn't care about the fake stories of Kim comparing Blue to North.

We don't care about them girls dating Jaden, whichever one it was because we don't care.

And now, we don't care about Rob. 

He can be fat, skinny, we don't care.
Don't make up stories of him drinking syrup and smoking weed all the time and y'all want him to go to rehab.  Then when you see we don't care, show a pic of him coming out of the gym.


Love & HipHop ATL: Erica P

So Erica Pinkett from Love & Hip Hop... You know, the girl who was talking all that noise to Bambi and got beat up twice, is now trying to say that Bambi had her beat down.

Remember Erica.... Bambi is from Compton (i think she said) and she don't play them games.
She beat you up herself at the Scrappy's party...

Then continued to party.

Then she beat you up when you tried to sneak punch her at the restaurant with Mama Dee. 

Girl, just give it up at this point.

So now that Erica P got beat up in a club without Bambi there, she is saying Bambi put out a hit on her.

Here is the story from TMZ:

"Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" star Erica Pinkett was savagely attacked in a nightclub ... and Pinkett says she told police the hit was ordered by a jealous rival on the show.

Law enforcement sources tell us ... Pinkett was coming out of a bathroom in Atlanta's Taboo Club June 9 when a woman came up from behind her, hit her in the face and then threw her to the ground and slashed her arm with a razor blade. It was reported the gash spewed blood so badly, it looked like a scene from a horror movie.

Pinkett tells police ... she thinks the attack was ordered by fellow "L&HH:A" star Bambi Johnson ... because the two have had arguments over Pinkett's relationship with Johnson's boyfriend, Lil Scrappy. One of the fights (see video below) aired on the show.

According to the police report - obtained by TMZ -- the beating suspect left the club before cops arrived ... Stephanie Nicole Harp was arrested this morning for committing aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
The police report does not mention Bambi allegedly ordering the hit, but Erica insists she told cops all about it.  
Read more:

Can't trust a girl who is still trying to pass this shoe as a real Christian Louboutin Heel


Angie's List? Can you Trust it?

This family decided to go out for the night and get a babysitter for their children.  Most movies start out this way.  We just find a family member, but that's not what this is about right now.

Well, they hired this girl, and she said that two black men robbed the house and took the video game console and other things. 

Well, the neighbor, Cody Oaks, a black man, fit the description of the robbers.  He lived close and of course, he just needed to break into this house and rob this neighbor's kids at knife point with their babysitter.

This 17-year old girl (the babysitter) who they won't name because she's a minor, got away with it and Cody Oaks was arrested.

What happens next, is what messed the babysitter up.  Well, 4 year old Abby was looking around and she told the police, wait a minute, the person that stole my television was NOT a black man.  That's the wrong color.

Come to find out, Ms. 17-year old babysitter had her boyfriend and a friend go ahead and rob these people who were paying her to watch their damn children.

Now, if the little girl didn't say anything, Cody Oaks would still be in jail.  Isn't that wrong?  So we aren't even going to go on the fact that none of the items are in Cody's possession and he doesn't have a record we know of.  But will take the testimony of the 4 year old girl and be like, "oh, my bad, let the man go."  (wanted to say something else besides of man, but you get what I'm saying).

Right Damn Now

Hancock 2: Will Smith & Beyonce

I come to you with sad news that on the IMDB website, they are saying there will be a Hancock Part 2.

After part 1, which was ok, do we really need a 2?

I think not. And on top of that they are saying it will star Will Smith and Beyoncé.

Here's where I have an issue.

If you know me, you know I love Beyoncé.and I am an active hive member.  I paid her in my whole head of hair so I'm paid up for about 100 years.  Now, we all know Beyoncé.'s speaking voice is NOT made for TV.

So I said this on twitter and some other stans came for me.  Let me give you stans a lesson....

First, do you know the trouble this will cause with Will and Bey in a movie together?  Every movie Will Smith is in, they say he is sleeping with the leading lady and the leading lady is basically cast out as a whore.  Even if she is single and Will is the one that is married.  Remember Hitch?  They called Eva Mendez every whore in the book and we haven't seen her since.  Then let's not forget that they said Jada was on set everyday threatening her.  Do we want that for Beyoncé.?  Do we really want that?  I know for a fact I don't.

Secondly, if we want to keep our queen at the top of this here mountain, we need her to rule where she can.  Beyoncé. has done numerous movies and we look like fools trying to defend her speaking voice.  We have to hear "she can't act."  All the time!  Now let's think about that.  We watch all of her videos and she can act, but her speaking voice is not what's featured.  She's singing.  Unless she's going to sing the whole movie, get ready to fight with everybody on the internet, because MOST of y'all won't fight for her in person like I do, and all you going to have is a blocked account and high blood pressure.

And lastly, again, DO WE NEED ANOTHER HANCOCK!   I could barely get through the first one without falling asleep and I haven't seen it since.  If Hancock is sober and only him and his girlfriend who he can't be around or they'll both lose their powers, what the hell could they give Beyoncé..  A raggedy as role that makes no damn sense and you dummies are going to run around hollering 'YAAAAAASSSS."  I don't have time.  If she going to do this acting thing, give me another script.  Until then, I'm gonna watch her best acting in Beverly Hood sweeping up the ground.

Again, I love Bey, but no!

Right Damn Now

Hank and Kendra

What is done in the dark, always comes to light, spoke in some old lady's voice.

Well, Hank who is probably the only person on reality tv that is genuinely liked by EVERYBODY.  He was also a football player.  (Played for the Philadelphia Eagles)  Married Kendra from The Playboy (yes, I said, The Playboy).  And we were all like what the hell is going on between the sheets in my home. -Ronald Isley voice.

He has been dealing with those pesky Trans rumors.  This trans woman has been saying that he allegedly been messing around with her on numerous occasions.  Just breaking up their home.  Kendra hasn't said anything, and didn't she just have their baby?


Everything started to die down, and all of a sudden...

A video surfaces of him leaving "her" home.  It could be innocent right?

She said they messed around, he paid her $500 the first time and then started taking care of her financially.  
Not sure how true any of this is, but dang!  Why Hank, Why? 

Columbus Short.... Revisited

I told y'all that boy was losing it.

First he goes and loses his job on Scandal since he wanted to show all his ass in real life knowing ABC does not play that.

Then he wants to go beat on his wife, get divorces and all that.

Now, that is biting him in his ass....

Columbus Short had a hearing for his spousal support/child support.

He, for whatever reason, did not show up!  You didn't learn this from Master P a few weeks ago not showing up for his child support hearing?  Is there no one in your life keeping up with what times and places you have to be everyday?  Do you not have an assistant, or is your assistant not doing their job?  Hire me.  I'll make sure you are at the bathroom on time, yet alone, a damn court hearing.

Well, since he didn't show up, that judge decided to give his wife $17,000 in spousal support.  Over $4,5000 in child support, and he has to pay her legal fees of over $25,000.  Guess you will show up to everything now.  And I also guess he will be putting that bill the same place Da Brat is putting her bill for beating that girl with that bottle.

He's in a movie that will go straight to TvOne (supposed to go to theatres but it looks like nobody will go see it) and he will probably be in Drumline 2 with the rest of the actors and actresses that can't get a Tyler Perry Job.  We'll see if he'll be in the cell next to Stevie J for not paying that support.

Right Damn Now.

Bey & Jay on the Run Tour

The tour of 2014 has started.  While most of y'all are checking for Outkast to perform their greatest and not latest hits, Beyonce and Jay-z have kicked off their "On the Run" tour in Miami.

 With the caption:  Beyonce! There is at least ten miles of this leading to the stadium. That's how much we love you!

Yes, Solange beat him up in that elevator and instead of him hitting back he just sat there and his wife watched, but they still together and showing you that they can work together.

Unfortunate for some people in Miami, it is said that a lot of people couldn't get there either on time or at all because of bad traffic and they had to be "on the run" to get there.  Bad for them.  I know that concert didn't start on time.  

Here's a few pics from the concert:

They even showed wedding pics on the overhead, Blue's pics, and Bey's pregnancy pics.  (for those of you who still don't think she gave birth to that child).
  I ain't putting them pics or video up because they'll be removed as soon as I put them up.

Stevie J... In trouble Again?

Yup, he did it all over again.

This time, Stevie J had to take a random drug test and tested positive for...
& weed.

Oh NO!!!!

But this isn't the first time he's been caught with the white nose.

So because he's in trouble for that $1M in back child support, they can do random drug tests.  It's been rumors all over of his and Miss Joseline alleged drug use.  

Speaking of owing back child support...

Isn't it a shame that this man is in trouble for paying his child support.

He's been paying it out of his check every 2 weeks and because his job (AT&T) had a clerical error and wasn't paying enough, he got 6 months in jail.

His job was taking the money out of his check, but it wasn't the right amount.  All they could say is "sorry."  The judge felt as it was another man not paying child support and sent him to jail.

He even paid the amount to catch up the back child support and they putting him in jail anyways.
Reasoning is because of a new Texas law that if you are behind on child support they can put you in jail even if you catch it up.

His lawyers are appealing the case now in federal court.
The judge is supposedly looking at the case again since you know, this is wrong.

You can read the whole story here.