Friday, June 6, 2014

Rihanna Vs TLC

So of course, since Rihanna decided to wear her "crystals out," everybody has something to say.

Sidenote:  Y'all thought I was lying about it being crystals and not her nipples:

But nal, y'all don't listen to me.

Well... T-boz of TLC had something to say about her "awtfit" (in my Trina voice).

T-Boz had this to say:

Basically she said:
Everytime I see you, you don’t have to be naked. And it’s hard for us to say anything ’cause any time we say something, it’s ‘TLC, oh they must be jealous!’ First of all, let me say this. It is what it is. I call a spade a spade, okay? We sold and became the biggest girl selling group of all time, with our clothes on. That says a lot. It’s easy to sell sex. We can go around with boobie cakes [breasts] all day long. They’re small. We don’t have a lot, but they’re still boobie cakes!

So in Rihanna form, she decided to go ahead a go for that neck.
She changed her background image to:

She tweeted these pictures:

And she let the navy handle the rest.

The navy was dragging T-boz from the time they were informed of the quote and if you check her mentions right now, there are probably a few people still saying things about her at this moment.

So T-boz got mad again and she said this on twitter:

But didn't you try this with Bey and got dragged probably until you tried it with Rihanna.

T-Boz & Chilli, keep it to yourself.

Right Damn Now!

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