Sunday, June 15, 2014

Kanye and his Tantrums

Kanye West performed at Bonnaroo and she decided to act her normal self:  A complete fool.

People are saying he was booed because, well obviously, people were booing, but after watching the video, I'm not sure if he was booed or if they were booing based on what he said.

Watch the video here:

She was mad there where signs saying "Fuck Kanye" on the port-a-potties.

So of course, he had to address it.  Hope the rest of the show went well.

While we are on the subject of the one and only PMS driven Kanye, who I absolutely understand sometimes, he supposedly gave Jay-z some wedding advice.

Now, Kanye has been married all of 2 weeks and he's giving out wedding advice.  They are saying he told him after the elevator-gate to focus on Bey and his marriage.  They are saying that Jay-z wasn't too happy about getting the advice and there is some tension there now.  There has been tension since Jay and Bey didn't go to the wedding so Kanye has been omitting Jay-z's name from songs as he performs.

Poor baby

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