Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The N Word Will Get You In Trouble!

Where have I been?

Well, I've been recovering and I went back to work yesterday and officially started back working today.

Anyways.  I may do a catch up post with everything and my take but I'm not sure.

But this topic has made me want to write.

Now, people use the N word all the time.  Me personally, I try to stay away from it.  I've found myself saying it more than I would (I used to never say that word for personal reasons and I don't like saying that word  now), but it's getting out of hand.

So this lady decided the best thing she could do is call a black man a "Nasty Nigger."

If you haven't seen the video watch it here:

Now this was completely unnecessary.  And you do this in front of your kids (who, by the way are just sitting on the side like this happens all the time.  I guess they used to it, but she says he scared her children by turning on the car.  

Sidenote:  why the hell you sitting outside of the damn Dollar General anyways.  Take your ass inside or outside!  

She is lucky she met up with the right one, because if it was the wrong one, this could have happened:

But in true black twitter form they found her info, (not sure how true it is) and plastered it all over twitter.

They found her twitter acct and have been dragging her since the video came out.

Now, let's get to Justine Barbera. (that's what I call Ellen hidden daughter).

He's all on these videos saying the N word, talking about how he would kill a black person to get into the KKK and etc.  

Just look at it:

And the funny thing to me is all these people giving him passes.

People are saying he was young, he didn't know any better, etc.


When I was 14, I knew if I was racist, I wasn't using racial slurs towards any race.  Why would I?  I knew better.  My parents taught me about racism and since I had a family member that had to go through their entire life with burns all over their body from their farm being burned by the KKK...  Let me not even go there.   I'm just saying.  Why is he getting a pass? 

Is it because he's Justin Bieber?
Then they ask Usher if Justin is a racist and he says "no comment."  
That alone spoke volumes.
 And don't think because all he hangs around is black people, that doesn't mean he isn't racist.  Remember the kings kept the jesters around for entertainment.
I'm not saying he's racist, but there's my take.

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