Thursday, June 26, 2014

Stevie J... In trouble Again?

Yup, he did it all over again.

This time, Stevie J had to take a random drug test and tested positive for...
& weed.

Oh NO!!!!

But this isn't the first time he's been caught with the white nose.

So because he's in trouble for that $1M in back child support, they can do random drug tests.  It's been rumors all over of his and Miss Joseline alleged drug use.  

Speaking of owing back child support...

Isn't it a shame that this man is in trouble for paying his child support.

He's been paying it out of his check every 2 weeks and because his job (AT&T) had a clerical error and wasn't paying enough, he got 6 months in jail.

His job was taking the money out of his check, but it wasn't the right amount.  All they could say is "sorry."  The judge felt as it was another man not paying child support and sent him to jail.

He even paid the amount to catch up the back child support and they putting him in jail anyways.
Reasoning is because of a new Texas law that if you are behind on child support they can put you in jail even if you catch it up.

His lawyers are appealing the case now in federal court.
The judge is supposedly looking at the case again since you know, this is wrong.

You can read the whole story here.

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