Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Future of Movies

This is the future of movies and television.
That's what is being said.

Jaden and Willow Smith

(This is the most normal I have ever seen these 2 children).

Now, don't get me wrong, these kids could be super talented.  I haven't seen anything they have done that just makes me say "OH MY GOD LOOK AT THEM!"

But aren't there other talented children out there in the world that are talented but will never been seen because their parents are not Will and Jada Smith.  

Will is a great actor, Jada is a great actor so I woudn't put it past their children to be wonderful actors as well.  But what about the kid down the street who's dream is to become a big success but they can't break through in a few years because all the jobs are going to Hollywood Elite's children.  

Let's get back to the basics and let talent determine talent.

Right Damn Now!

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