Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bey & Jay on the Run Tour

The tour of 2014 has started.  While most of y'all are checking for Outkast to perform their greatest and not latest hits, Beyonce and Jay-z have kicked off their "On the Run" tour in Miami.

 With the caption:  Beyonce! There is at least ten miles of this leading to the stadium. That's how much we love you!

Yes, Solange beat him up in that elevator and instead of him hitting back he just sat there and his wife watched, but they still together and showing you that they can work together.

Unfortunate for some people in Miami, it is said that a lot of people couldn't get there either on time or at all because of bad traffic and they had to be "on the run" to get there.  Bad for them.  I know that concert didn't start on time.  

Here's a few pics from the concert:

They even showed wedding pics on the overhead, Blue's pics, and Bey's pregnancy pics.  (for those of you who still don't think she gave birth to that child).
  I ain't putting them pics or video up because they'll be removed as soon as I put them up.

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