Thursday, June 26, 2014

Columbus Short.... Revisited

I told y'all that boy was losing it.

First he goes and loses his job on Scandal since he wanted to show all his ass in real life knowing ABC does not play that.

Then he wants to go beat on his wife, get divorces and all that.

Now, that is biting him in his ass....

Columbus Short had a hearing for his spousal support/child support.

He, for whatever reason, did not show up!  You didn't learn this from Master P a few weeks ago not showing up for his child support hearing?  Is there no one in your life keeping up with what times and places you have to be everyday?  Do you not have an assistant, or is your assistant not doing their job?  Hire me.  I'll make sure you are at the bathroom on time, yet alone, a damn court hearing.

Well, since he didn't show up, that judge decided to give his wife $17,000 in spousal support.  Over $4,5000 in child support, and he has to pay her legal fees of over $25,000.  Guess you will show up to everything now.  And I also guess he will be putting that bill the same place Da Brat is putting her bill for beating that girl with that bottle.

He's in a movie that will go straight to TvOne (supposed to go to theatres but it looks like nobody will go see it) and he will probably be in Drumline 2 with the rest of the actors and actresses that can't get a Tyler Perry Job.  We'll see if he'll be in the cell next to Stevie J for not paying that support.

Right Damn Now.

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