Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hancock 2: Will Smith & Beyonce

I come to you with sad news that on the IMDB website, they are saying there will be a Hancock Part 2.

After part 1, which was ok, do we really need a 2?

I think not. And on top of that they are saying it will star Will Smith and Beyoncé.

Here's where I have an issue.

If you know me, you know I love Beyoncé.and I am an active hive member.  I paid her in my whole head of hair so I'm paid up for about 100 years.  Now, we all know Beyoncé.'s speaking voice is NOT made for TV.

So I said this on twitter and some other stans came for me.  Let me give you stans a lesson....

First, do you know the trouble this will cause with Will and Bey in a movie together?  Every movie Will Smith is in, they say he is sleeping with the leading lady and the leading lady is basically cast out as a whore.  Even if she is single and Will is the one that is married.  Remember Hitch?  They called Eva Mendez every whore in the book and we haven't seen her since.  Then let's not forget that they said Jada was on set everyday threatening her.  Do we want that for Beyoncé.?  Do we really want that?  I know for a fact I don't.

Secondly, if we want to keep our queen at the top of this here mountain, we need her to rule where she can.  Beyoncé. has done numerous movies and we look like fools trying to defend her speaking voice.  We have to hear "she can't act."  All the time!  Now let's think about that.  We watch all of her videos and she can act, but her speaking voice is not what's featured.  She's singing.  Unless she's going to sing the whole movie, get ready to fight with everybody on the internet, because MOST of y'all won't fight for her in person like I do, and all you going to have is a blocked account and high blood pressure.

And lastly, again, DO WE NEED ANOTHER HANCOCK!   I could barely get through the first one without falling asleep and I haven't seen it since.  If Hancock is sober and only him and his girlfriend who he can't be around or they'll both lose their powers, what the hell could they give Beyoncé..  A raggedy as role that makes no damn sense and you dummies are going to run around hollering 'YAAAAAASSSS."  I don't have time.  If she going to do this acting thing, give me another script.  Until then, I'm gonna watch her best acting in Beverly Hood sweeping up the ground.

Again, I love Bey, but no!

Right Damn Now

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