Monday, March 31, 2014

Flo Rida: That baby ain't mine

Flo Rida is being sued by a pregnant woman for child support because she says she has had sex with him all throughout the tour.

Flo Rida says he will pay temp child support but once the DNA test comes out he will be able to prove he is not the father because she is sleeping with so many people.

So, if yoiu having sex with a with a whore, you don't feel like you could be the father.  or is this a way to die down those pesky rumors of your coming out the closet since "gays are more receptive to my bald head." mess that you had going on last year.

Scrappy said "they racist"

Scrappy and Erica decided to take little E$ to the salon for her birthday party.

They were 20 minutes late to their 2 and a half hour appointment.

The salon refused to serve them saying "I won't serve you people."

Not sure if the reality show cameras were there and they didn't want to service reality stars like most places don't because of the drama.  Or if they just didn't want to serve "them people."  

We will see how this all plays out.

Wale Still Trying to Prove He Hard

During the WWE event on Monday, Wale decided he was going to punch somebody in the face.
Guess he's tired of y'all talking about his hair won't grow, his music sucks, and he's not a rapper but a spoken word poet.  (I don't say none of that, that's what y'all be saying about him).  But that's not the point right now.

He and the man next to him got into some type of altercation and next thing you see if Wale punched the man in the face, they were fighting, and security had to break it up.

Then they all went into the hallway and a few minutes later, they were both back eating popcorn and watching the fights like nothing happened.

You can read the story HERE

Catfight: RHOA Part II

As I said here I don't know if I really believe this fight or not.

The Real Housewives Franchise is great for giving us a big time story about nothing. 

So Since Kenya and Porsha are playing on this fight, we might as well go over the new details.

(this is what they are saying)
1.  Porsha gave Kenya a good hit in the face.
2.  Kenya said she will never fight
3.  Porsha is trying to stay on the show 
4.  Kenya put out a single right after the taping of the show.
5.  Porsha is being fired from the show
6.  Kenya is pressing charges.
7.  Porsha was immediately sent home after the fight.
8.  Kenya did not bring a sex toy she had a scepter.
 (thinking she the queen of the girls)

And I'm gonna stop there with everything I've read on the various blogs.

This is my thing....
If they did get into a fight and Bravo cuts it off so I can't see it, how Draya and Sundy on Basketball Wives, I'm gonna be mad.  I'm not about to sit through 3 hours of reunion to NOT see the fight.

Also, since Kenya was asking for someone to whoop her the entire season, she finally got what she's been asking for, so why press charges now?

She know what she signed up for and when you bully and antagonize people, there's only so much they are going to take before they go across your head. 

We'll see how this all unfolds when the reunion starts next week.

Another Rant!

Today's rant comes from anonymous.  They don't want to lose their job, but they want to get it off their chest!

I am so sick of my job.  I am tired of waking up every morning and dealing with people who think that I don't want to help them! 
Let me just say this, sometimes, I don't want to help them because I'm going through my own thing, but for the most part, I do want to help them. 

I work in Customer Service over the phones and the people that call and the people I work with are so frustrating.  No ma'am, I don't care about what you are going through in life, that is not going to change what I can or cannot do for you.  If you can't get it through your damn head.  I don't want you to not get what you are calling for.  That makes my call easier and better so I wouldn't want you to call me and not get help. 
I am not in control of what is going on, and I can't change the rules.  I am just someone sitting in a chair trying not to tell you the whole truth (the job doesn't allow that) and I am pretty much reading your answer from a pre-written script that I don't want to read.  I have never called another customer service place and treated the person on the other end of the line like they are stupid. 

I wasn't raised that way, but you asses call us every day and act as if I owe you the world.  Guess what, I am going through my own things and I don't want to fight with you no matter how much you want to argue with me.  I give you what I am supposed to give and try to get off the phone.  I'm just tired people.

I understand.  I work in customer service myself and some days, i just can't do it! But the way my bills are set up, I walk into that building every day with a smile and try my best to do everything I can.  It will get better (where are the customer service "it get's better" campaign).  Just remember don't let that place tie you down and do what you can to get out while you can.  Thanks for your letter.  People, please send your rants to

Drunk In Love: Real Life Edition

We be all night, or maybe 15 minutes, but that is not the point right now.

This lady
Maura Fussel who is 26 years old had to pose for her mugshot.
Get into the robe they put on her because...

She was naked at the police station!

 So her husband was arrested, for whatever they won't say.  And she decided (after a few drinks) "let me go and have some fun with my husband."  She thought that was a good damn idea.  Right Damn Now.


She went up to the police station with no clothes on and refused to get dressed or leave in a cab.

Umm,  Question

How did she get the option to leave in a cab?
I've seen people drunk and get arrested immediately for public intoxication.
Maybe they don't have that in Arlington VA

Maybe her flesh was the right tone to show up naked.

Back to the story...

She went up to the station with no clothes on to see her husband.  And the police wouldn't let her (of course).  Told her she can leave or she had to put on some clothes.  

Then she still wouldn't leave because that's not how this works.  I make a request and it gets done immediately.

Then she gets arrested for public intoxication and indecent exposure.  She was held until she sobered up and put on some clothes.

Can't Even go to the Funeral Without Being Shot

Benzino,  AKA Dorian Tyrell, went to his mother's funeral and what happens, he was shot!

So here's the backstory I read....

 Benzino's mother died and his sister is allegedly the sole beneficiary of all her assets.  Now Benzino saw a problem with this.  From what I was reading, his sister and his mom were not cool at the moment so for her to be the sole beneficiary just didn't sit well with him.

He went to Boston, where his mother lived, once he found out she passed.  He did not want to go to the funeral to see the rest of his family (supposedly).  His friend... Stevie J... came up there to give his condolences and talked him into going to the funeral.

Now this is where all the mess starts.
Right Damn Now!

Benzino was driving to the viewing of the body and supposedly his nephew (his sister who is the beneficiary of all the money) shot up his car.  His nephew is the one they are saying shot him...

(Gai Scott)

Benzino was hit and taken to the hospital where he is currently in critical condition 

and he was able to do this photoshoot with Stevie J.

We'll see how this all plays out.

Friday, March 28, 2014

First Rant

So I have asked you all to send me things you just want to get off your chest.

Our first "say it with your chest post" is from a big time Ciara fan who has just had enough.  Sometimes, celebrities have too many yes men around them, and not enough people who can tell them exactly what they need to hear.

Please read below:

Ciara, are you seriously naming your child Wilburn.  Can you not doing anything right?  You can't name a baby, you can't pick out the right music.  You can't promote your music.  I just don't understand.  You have the work ethic, well, you don't have the work ethic apparently.  You have the talent.  You have more talent than Rihanna and don't nobody want to hear Billy goat gruff. 

I am one of your biggest and I am sick of it. 

I am fucking fed up!  Get your shit!  Get your shit! and get it together.  It doesn't make since for us, your fans to be rooting for you THIS much and you really don't do anything for us.  You worried about people talking about your feet and you not dancing.  Really, surgery on your toes and you can't get on a stage. 

You get into it with Rihanna about that stage you don't want to be seen on, but you can't book at stage at this point.  Like seriously, we want the Crunk and B Ciara, we DO NOT want techno pop Ciara.  Didn't you learn that lesson with Fantasy Ride? 

I just don't get it.  I really don't.  Do you know how many hits you actually have on Ciara?  You teased up with Body Party and then you wanted to give us some techno song that I personally skip every time I hear it.  Girl...  We are tired.  We are completely tired.  Get this together.  I just don't understand.  I really don't.  There's a market for the Crunk R&B Girl.  Nobody is doing that and you can have that lane back.  Watch, when you get it together, it will be after somebody else comes out and do it.  Be yourself.  Do yourself, and you will do us justice. 

Signed, your Biggest Fan!
And P.S.  Thanks for leaving those backbends alone:

And I agree.  Ciara, you messing up the church's money.  Get your life together.  
Send your rants to

Why I love her: Bey

Bey is still touring over seas and during her 132 show she had a moment. 

I lover her

Watch the moment here:

she had a really emotional moment.  For you haters, Bey does love her fans and she shows this all the time. 
But y'all don't see this though

Right Damn Now

Scandal: Season 3 Episode

Today's score:  93

I took off points because they still didn't fix anyone's life.

Today's episode was great.  It was filled with the drama we love.  Let's get into it:

Fitz, how you get mad at your wife for cheating.  You cheated these last 4 years in the White House and Mellie just let you.  How you get mad at her for cheating with your friend, your running mate?  Pot, meet damn kettle.

Mellie, you should have just read Fitz for filth and not let him have it!  How you let him just talk to you like that?  You got so much stuff you can say.  Like, Mellie, I wasn't here for it today and you are 1 of my favorite characters.   You should have went in and let him have it.  You could have at least said "you raggedy ass drunk ass daddy raped me." at the least.  At the right damn least!  I was rooting for you.

Cyrus, did I miss something?  When he find out Jake killed James?  Like.... Last week he was confirmed it was a drive by, so how he find out it was James?  My DVR missed the first minute so maybe it was in there somewhere but I don't know.

Olivia Daddy gave Jake a good read.  He let him know, you have b613 (Or BCG13 as I call it) and you can have it.  Jake you have NOBODY!  You wanted it, you can have it.

Olivia's Mama, I still don't know what to think of her.  She is so good/bad and so is her daddy so Olivia is bad by default.

Huck and Quinn...  I said it last week, the chemistry is there.  Just kill Charlie and go for it!  I am in the minority when I say I love Quinn.  Especially Tomb Raider Quinn.  She ready to kill, drill, and destroy and I am living for every moment.

Abby... Next!

Harrison and this girl.  It's good that he got a  story line, but when she took off her draws in the office and they were about to get it on.  I was completely over it.  I don't think I've been over any relationship as quick as I am this one, but mama went ahead and stole the files, which every one should have known it was about to happen.  Speaking of, how are their files so accessible.  Like, everyone is stealing files from them.  Huck needs to get Norton to help him with the security.  

Jake has really lost his damn mind.  That man need some Prosat, Monostat, Abilify, whatever.  He has really lost it!  I feel he about to do this at any moment.

Watch the very end of this video.

Them damn president kids aren't Sasha and Malia.  Couldn't have talked to my parents like that.  Would have got the biggest ass whooping of my life.  Let me tell my mama "Get out my room."  I would be picking my whole body off the floor.  But seriously, I liked how the kids are there now.  Hopefully they'll be there more and can mess stuff up.  Right Damn Now!

Overall, today's show was great.  Had the minimum drama, wish they were fixing lives, but their lives are doing the most right now.  Can't wait to see next week.