Thursday, March 13, 2014

Rihanna & Drake

There's been rumors for a while that Drake & Rihanna are now dating. 

Ok... So what?  They're both single so go head kids. 

The thing is.... This while dating thing between the two is just mess after mess after complete and utter mess. 

Catch this:

So Rihanna has been following Drake around on his tour being super cute & cozy with him. Supposedly, in this pic they are holding hands, but it just looks like their hands are close and the angle makes them look like the camera just caught it.

They've been in strip clubs, regular clubs, brothels, hostels, porn shops or whatever they do trying to act like they are not together, but they want you to talk about it. 

Their various camps have been leaking stories saying they have been seen holding hands & openly kissing, but there aren't any pictures. 

But here's where it gets messy....

Supposedly Car Coochie (Karrueche) broke up with Chris brown because Rihanna was secretly visiting him in rehab and she couldn't take it any more. They break up every other week so they'll be back together soon.

Beautiful Girl

There are rumors of Rihanna trying to get back with Chris but she's playing this Drake situation to test Chris. So Chris got word of the Rihanna & Drake dates and he has confessed his dying love for car Coochie. LET THAT GIRL BE!

People stop playing with people's emotions before Car Coochie decides to delete you all from the human population. She's had the least to lose & y'all keep playing her. 

Rihanna, Chris, Drake... Let that girl be. 

But on the flip side... They all make 1 big cute light skinned ass couple. Orgy!

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