Friday, March 14, 2014

Sonya: Go Down to that Welfare

The Multi-millionaire, Mastor P's ex-wife (Sonya) is saying she broke and pennyless.  She says she is now living off Romeo and she doesn't have a pot to piss in.  She is on government assistance and trying to take care of all they young kids with what she has.  They have 7 children together, four of whom are minors(Tytyana, Itali, Hercy and Mercy).

Romeo and Cymonique better get to work to help their mama.

She has filed a lawsuit to get some money out of him and he didn't even pay attention to it.  He was fined $10k and he didn't even care.  He probably knows paying that fine is a lot less than paying what he would have to pay in court.  She said she helped him with his whole empire and for him not to pay up is ridiculous.

He better go to court or Sonya gonna be outside like...

What do you think?  Should he show up, or just keep on ignoring?

1 comment:

  1. Lmmfao @ gangsta boo! What the hell she been buying? Gold house, cars, toilets? Sheesh!
