Thursday, March 13, 2014

Scandal Review: Season 3: Episode 13

Tonight's episode of Scandal left me wanting more...

So we start the Episode off and when Sally said "Yum yum Crispy Piggy Yum Yum."  I fell on the floor laughing.  Why?  Because all I can see if her talking to God about that crispy pig. Then I thought about that Crispy Chicken Wrap and the circle of life continues.  Sally decided today was the day of reckoning and she was going to confess her sins to God and to the world.  She wanted everyone to know that she killed her husband and was ready to take the consequences for her actions.  She confessed her sins to her priest and was ready to take it to the debate!  Sally was ready to "take it to Jesus, God, and the blood!" as my brother said as we were watching this episode.  I couldn't take Sally today.  Confess them sins girl.  I was rooting for her death though.  You've been touched by an angel girl.

Another person that lost her damn mind tonight was the one and only Olivia Pope.  She found out what happend and decided that she is not about that life anymore.    She wants to do everything clean and clear and under control.  No ma'am, not now. She said "they're all murderers" like she was running from Cruella and wanted to "protect them puppies." And when is she going to get back to working?  How is she paying everybody?  I guess Harrison wasn't on the show today because he was busy working his second job trying to pay his bills.  Huck probably had to go kill somebody just to pay his.  You see Abby trying to keep David Rosen alive so she don't have to pay her own bills.  "I love you, don't go there.  You can't get caught up in this."  That's all her way of saying, "Sir, we got bills to pay and I ain't getting paid right now, so I need you to keep your job!"

 Quinn....  Girl ain't nobody got time.  The people have been speaking since episode 2 and they have wanted your head on a platter this whole time.  I actually don't want Quinn to die because if she does, who will we all want to die next.  Let her live.  She messing it up now and she ain't as bad as she was before.  She's a murderer too so Olivia can add her to the list of murderers

I wanted to see Mama Pope today. We didn't even get to see her elbow today.   Daddy Pope popped in and gave us another read to Sally campaign manager, but it actually fell flat.  The campaign manager was like......  He wasn't for it today.

Jake don't have time anymore.  He tired to Olivia playing with his yo-yo, "don't try to play me out, don't try to play me out." He said, you going to play with me, I'm going to play with you.  Got Quinn all in the office stealing stuff.  She didn't have to worry about Huck because she knew he was out killing somebody to pay his bills, bills, bills.   Jake said, it's time to mess some stuff up!  He went out, got him a good ole 007 silencer and broke up the house meeting.  Oh, ya'll didn't call this?  I did.  Shot random backgrounds in the head and then when it came down to the last two, I guess he ran out of bullets.  He probably ain't got his first check yet.

I give today's episode a 85.  It wasn't a grade A show tonight and all that hype about the last 30 minutes didn't have me gasping that much.  We knew it was a set up for death and now we have to wait 7 whole days to find out.  Let's hope we care next week.  Cuz honestly, either one of them can go. 

 Who do you think he killed?  James or David Rosen?  Do you think he just shot the wall behind him and they both still alive?  I really don't know.  Shone Rhimes is good for killing main characters so we will find out next week.

1 comment:

  1. You gave this episode an 85? Out of 100? You're being too generous. I give it a smooth 67. And I bet it was James that had the bullet casserole. Cyrus is sick of his shit.
