Monday, March 24, 2014

Go See It: Veronica Mars

Veronica Mars was one of those shows that secretly watched EVERY TIME it came on.  It was like we graduated from Scooby Doo, to Veronica Mars, to Law & Order SVU!

So, as soon as I found out there was a movie being made.  I became instantly happy.

Like overwhelmingly happy.

Funny thing is, the FANS PAID FOR THE MOVIE.

They started to take donations and the fans actually paid for the entire movie budget

The movie came out and I had to go see it.

It was a great movie.  I give it 2 thumbs up.
Kristen Bell looks exactly the same.

The other characters haven't aged badly.  And the movie was exactly how the show would have been if it was on for this 10 year timeline.

We got to see some of our favorite characters and it wasn't cheesily done.
I'm not going to give out any spoilers, but I say, if you have some free time, go and see the movie.

You won't be disappointed.  Well, maybe you will because some of y'all always disappointed.

 We can only hope that when they do this "Mean Girl's" Reunion movie, it will be as good.

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