Monday, March 24, 2014

Mini Rant: Mary Mary

One of my best friend was at work and religion came up.

Religion is the worst conversation you can have with someone, because no one EVER has the same views.  I try to only speak religion to people that are either, not in a religion and they want to learn something, or someone who I am really close with that I can have a decent conversation with.

If I don't think we think on the same wavelength on what kind of apple taste better, I will NOT have the religion talk with you.  It's just tired, and you are going to make your point, and I am going to make mine.
If you are walking with God, why have an argument with someone else walking with God.  That just doesn't make sense to me.

Anyways, during this conversation, that my friend had with a co-worker, the co-worker said "I won't watch Mary Mary because their show makes me not believe what they are singing about.

Excuse me?

Have you really sat down and watched their show?  If they aren't walking in their faith, I don't know who is.

Mary Mary's show is about how they are living their lives with their families.  They have their ups and their downs.  I haven't seen anything that made me say, "hey, they must be singing about the devil."

Let's take this weeks episode for example:

Tina is still struggling with her family issues as she has found out her husband has cheated on her.  Not only has she decided to forgive her husband, she is doing what she has to do to make it work.  It looks like he is trying as well, but we are going to see something next week that just might make it worse.  Tina is blaming herself for being on the road and she is dealing with a lot of pain.  I love me some Tina.  She's real, she's raw, she's loud, she's everything I want to see on my tv.  She is not walking around smoking crack or reprsenting anything that is not of "God-like" behavior.  So what she might slip up and curse?  Who doesn't. 

Erica is dealing with her new found freedom.  She is working with her husband on her own sound and image to do a solo career while her sister is going through and wants to lighten the load.  Erica is being disrespected by Mitch the bitch, (yes I call him Mitch the bitch, and I don't care.  I can curse hell). And she is trying to keep him around because she feels she should be loyal to him since he's their current manager, but she doesn't want him to be her solo manager.  Everybody around her is telling her to fire him and move on with life.  No harm there.  

I'm not seeing any problem with anything this show is portraying.  People just want something to complain about. 

If you want to see something that is not of God, let's look at Mitch.
Mitch is being petty and selfish because the girls don't want to work with him anymore.  I think he's acting the same way a lot of people act when they are rejected.   I just don't like the way he is screaming and yelling at them.  He cancelled an appearance to a show because he had to go to his daughter's graduation, but he got mad at Tina last season for doing the same.  From what we've been seeing, he's messing up business relationships for the group and they are tired.

So if Mitch is the worst thing on the show, I don't see how this show of all shows is a bad representation of God.

I'm just saying
Right Damn Now!

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