Thursday, March 13, 2014

Characters: The Haves and the Have Nots

The Haves and the Have Nots has surprisingly became my favorite show on TV now.  I absolutely love the show!  The 1st season finale was Tuesday and as usual it didn't leave me sitting in my seat. 

When I watch the show, I find myself yelling and screaming at the tv because it just catches my attention that much.  

If you haven't watched it, you should try it out.
The cast is phenomenal and the characters are relatable. 

This show is Tyler Perry's best work.  So I'll just talk about the cast without spoiling it, if you want to watch the show.  

(from left to right on the top banner)

Jim Cryer:  He's a judge, trying to be governor and he thinks he can have his cake and eat it to.  He's married with 2 kids and he has cheated on his wife with Candace (we'll talk about her later).   Jim thinks he can get away with anything and his arrogance will make you so upset that you will want to jump into the television and slap him yourself.  

Amanda Cryer:  The token daughter of Jim Cryer.  She's comes off as a weak minded individual who is just trying to find her place in the world.  As time goes by, we find out she is psychotic and has a psychotic break since she was raped by her professor.  After that, mama becomes the homicidal maniac that only the crazies can love.  (I love her now).  I'll just say this, by the end of season 1, she shows that she is not as weak as she came off in the beginning of the show.

Katheryn Cryer:  The wife of Jim Cryer.  She has a sharp tongue and is not afraid to use it. Katheryn comes from a wealthy family and Jim married her to get in good with money.  She knows about Jim cheating and has numbered the women he has slept with.  She has been through cancer and it changed her for the better.  I actually think she may be one of the best people on this show.

Wyatt Cryer:  Son of Jim and Katheryn Cryer.  He is in a rehab facility for drugs and alcohol.  He plays on peoples emotions (Jeffrey's especially).  By the end of the season he has done something that he is going to go to jail for and he needs to sit there.  

Candace Young:  She is my favorite character.  She is going through law school and trying her best to change her life.  She is a reformed stripper and she plays chess very well.  She has blackmailed, schemed, plotted, and pussy popped her way into everybody's pocket and into my heart.  This is the "bad bitch" of the show.  She has read each and every character for filth and you can't do anything but love it.

Hanna Young:  Don't let the tilted wig and housemaid's uniform trick you.  Hanna is a bible thumping hypocrit.  She hates her daughter (Candace) and loves her son (Benny).  She treats Candace like a 2nd class citizen and treats Benny like the king of the universe.  She is the maid for the Cryers and her life is turned upside down when she finds out her hated daughter has been sleeping with her boss.  During her time working for the Cryers, she has become the only person that Katheryn Cryer trusts with all her biggest secrets.  With a son in a coma and facing jail time herself, it's fun to see how Hanna see's this one through.

Veronica Harrington:  The definition of cold-hearted bitch.  Veronica looks down on everybody, doesn't matter your skin tone or your views on life.  She will have everything her way or she will take you down trying.  She is a recovering alcoholic and her husband is Jim Cryer's right hand man.  She is also an ex-lawyer who gets Hanna's son out of jail.  Nothing gets past Veronica, and if you try to hide anything from her, she will eventually figure it out.  She will also use your secrets to benefit herself.  She found out her son is gay and she will not even let him be gay.  She has cut him off until he decides he will not be gay so her husband can become the lieutenant governor.  She's the character that you just hate, but you always want to know what she is going to do next.  I can't stand her, but I live for her moments on the show.

Benny Young:  Son of Hanna and brother to Candace.  He is the link between these two women who clearly cannot stand each other.  He loves them both like a brother and son would and they love him as well.  He has had the worst luck on the show.  Spent most of the first half of the season in jail and the 2nd half of the season in a coma.  He is just a brother trying to make it.  Now he doesn't even know what is going on with his love ones.  Hope he comes out of this coma well.  

Jeffrey Harrington:  This is a character that we thought Tyler would never write.  He is a gay black male and he isn't flamboyantly gay.  He is struggling with his sexuality and falls in love hard with Wyatt (not knowing Wyatt does not feel the same way about him).  Jeffrey is kicked down hard by his mom when he finally tells her he is gay.  She says he's not and if he wants to be, he is on his own.  So he ends up living with Candace (who is trying to get Jeffrey to live his life) and Amanda (who wants him to leave because he knows too much about her medical condition.  Jeffrey is starting to figure himself out when his own mama blackmails him to be straight or go to jail for hiding a crime.  I can't wait to see how this is all going to play out!

David Harrigton:  He is the father of Jeffrey and the husband to Veronica.  He is also Jim's best friend.  He has is one of those characters you hate one moment, then you love them the next.  He is what you want your dad, husband, or best friend to be.  He is faithful to his wife (for now).  And he will do anything for his friend but when it came time for his friend to try to pin a murder on his son.... David wasn't having it at all!!!  David is against the gay lifestyle when it comes to his campaigning but once he found out his son is gay, he is supporting him 100%.  Sometimes we want more from him but he isn't just a background character.

Celine Gonzales: The maiden of the Cryers.  She has the personality of ice melting and she is just evil!  She has slept with Jim Cryer, if I remember correctly she was #6 as Katheryn calls her.  She has a child, who I think Jim is the father of.  That may come out in season 2.  She doesn't even work.  All she does is wait on Jim when he calls and it looks like she is getting checks from him for her child.  Celine thinks everyone is sleeping with Jim but doesn't even know Candace is the one that is.  (what part of the game is that!)  Hopefully next season we will get more of Celine next season so we can learn to tolerate her like other characters on the show.

If you haven't watched, you can catch from the fourth episode HERE I'll do a review or recap of the season before season 2 starts so catch up so you won't feel left out!

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