Monday, March 24, 2014

RHOA: Episode 20

This episode of Real Housewives of Atlanta has been the episode we have been waiting for all season.

I mean yea, we were happy to see Kandi "Blow up on somebody" again.

And of course Porsha always gives us a blond moment.

But tonight, this episode revived the show!

We got to see Phaedra get mad at Kenya for talking to Apollo.  Yea, she should be mad at Apollo for speaking back, but she is married to him and she told her specifically to not speak to her husband and Kenya is good for drama so she's gonna go speak to him.  Flirt with him.  Do whatever she can to keep herself on this show.

Let's face it.  Kenya does not have a single story line and when she's at home by herself or with Brandon or whatever she is doing, no one is watching.  That's the time we are walking to the bathroom, cooking, cleaning, snipping toe nails, whatever it is, because she's boring alone.

But she brings the drama when she's with the group.

Apollo, leave that lady alone, she is playing you.  And why the hell you buy a pinata with condoms in it?  Why sir?  Who told you that was a good idea?  It was probably that damn Carlos King (The dude who worked on Love and Hip Hop ATL/New York and has now moved to Housewives, that's why the drama is sooooo much.  He knows how to bring the drama forreal).

Kandi gave us all she had tonight.  Her facial expressions were EVERYTHING!  First when she heard the arguing, she was the first one to run into that room.  I was cracking up.  Then she's in the room, sees it's not Todd, and she was sitting there with Todd with the BEST facial expressions I have ever seen.

NeNe....  Where do I start, where do I finish.  You have been working my LAST nerve this whole season.  Why are you always starting stuff you can't finish.  Why are you always getting mad at people for doing what you do.  You are NOT the same NeNe that everyone fell in love with.  And I will be the one to tell them people, "I told you so."  When Housewives started and people started liking her a lot, it was something I didn't like about her and I would say it all the time.  People would say I'm crazy, but who's crazy now.  NeNe was wrong for calling that man a bitch.  She was wrong for yelling at Porsha and Kandi when she makes general statements all the time.  She was wrong all the times she made Cynthia feel like less of a woman every episode.  Just wrong.

Porsha, stand your ground!  You are not in Florida, but you are causing hurricanes and floods.  You had every right to put Kenya in that place you placed her.  You sat her down and when you felt you were going to go too far, you stopped.  That's how you do it.  Well, that's how YOU do it Porsha, I would have hit DIRECTLY under that damn belt.  Talked about her fake relationship.  Talked about her none having kids.  When I hit, I make sure you feel it.  Don't hit light.  Make it stick!
Peta, you are wrong!  You don't have to get in them women's business.  I know you want to help your wife because she doesn't speak much, but calm it down just a tad.  I can feel Peta though, he feels he has to represent and keep that check coming since BarOne is closing down every other week and going to a new location.  I would be screaming and yelling at EVERYBODY every week to make sure my check doesn't stop.  Peter:  "What you say about my mama?"
Everybody:  "Umm, we said, tomorrow." 
 Peta:  "Oh, I was about to say.  
This show was losing its sponk with all the other Housewives doing what ATL does and having real fist fights, people body slamming people, and wigs being snatched...

so they had to give us a big boom with Peta and Greg fighting and then NeNe coming in calling him a bitch.

You want to disrespect a man, call him a bitch, see how bitchy he gets.  I can't wait to see what all unfolds next week.  I think we are getting to the end of this season and will have the reunion after a while and I HOPE Andy decides to get Wendy Williams to host the reunion.  We do not need Andy to host it.  Love you Andy, but let somebody even messier than you handle it and see how them ratings go through the roof!

1 comment:

  1. LMAO, agree with every point. Never was a major fan of NeNe and the one time I started to care for her she showed her ass.
