Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Album review: Ashanti's Braveheart

Ashanti decided to release her long awaited (she's been trying to get this album out for about 4 years now) album called Braveheart. She's independent now, go head girl. (Rolls eyes)

Here's my review of the CD:

I can't make the time of day to listen to Ashanti's dry singing over any kind of beat.  I'll pass on that.  We have new dry singers to ignore, but I won't talk about them either, Right Damn Now.  To me, she has always had some annoying factor to her that I just can't put my hands or ears on. And I don't care to.  So why would I write a whole post about her?

I remember an interview, when she first came out saying "my parents heard me sing while I was vacuuming."

GET ALL OF THAT OUT OF HERE!!!  Vacuuming?  So, you were using a loud machine, that would have been louder than your voice, & you parents thought that was good?  Since that article, I couldn't deal with her. 

Good luck girl. 

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