Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Columbus Short

I told y'all Olivia Pope needs to get her people back to doing cases.
See, Columbus Short is being investigated for beating up a man at the bar!

This could effect his ENTIRE life.  You know how people don't like you to work on their show when you got cases pending.

A pimp named Judge Matthis did not sign up for this.
 Since he not fixing lives like Iylanya, he's down there getting drunk and beating up people.

 The man who was beat up was talking mess at the bar and said something about Columbus Short's fiance' 

You can't go around talking about people's fiance's.

He says he was beat up and his bloody picture as hit the internet.  
Of course, black man beats up somebody at the bar, you better call the cops in Hollywood.

But again, this is Columbus short, the same man who said he had a fling with the one and only Brittany Spears.

While he is falling down on hard times, let's look at him actually fall down!

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