Monday, March 17, 2014

Jail but not really: Kanye West

Kanye West has finally been sentenced for beating up that photographer last year.

Remember when:

How do you let Kanye put you in a headlock? 

But anyways.
He was sentenced to 1 day in jail.  Therefore he will be booked and released.
So now you will probably get songs about Kanye going to jail.

But he was also given 250 hours of commnity service
30 days of Anger management
(but I also read that he agreed to 24 private therapy sessions for the anger management)
And 2 years of probabation.

He pleaded "no contest" so he won't have it on his record.
But it was RECORDED on YouTube.

The man that he put in a headlock said that he felt Kanye should be sent to jail and he has all this trauma and emotional injuries because of the event.
Remember this is the same Photog that Britney Spears hit with that umbrella.

Should he be compensated?
Should Kanye go to jail?
Do you agree with the Papparazzi?

Let me know in the comments

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