Monday, March 31, 2014

Can't Even go to the Funeral Without Being Shot

Benzino,  AKA Dorian Tyrell, went to his mother's funeral and what happens, he was shot!

So here's the backstory I read....

 Benzino's mother died and his sister is allegedly the sole beneficiary of all her assets.  Now Benzino saw a problem with this.  From what I was reading, his sister and his mom were not cool at the moment so for her to be the sole beneficiary just didn't sit well with him.

He went to Boston, where his mother lived, once he found out she passed.  He did not want to go to the funeral to see the rest of his family (supposedly).  His friend... Stevie J... came up there to give his condolences and talked him into going to the funeral.

Now this is where all the mess starts.
Right Damn Now!

Benzino was driving to the viewing of the body and supposedly his nephew (his sister who is the beneficiary of all the money) shot up his car.  His nephew is the one they are saying shot him...

(Gai Scott)

Benzino was hit and taken to the hospital where he is currently in critical condition 

and he was able to do this photoshoot with Stevie J.

We'll see how this all plays out.

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